Xaria Refresh
Sewfisticated Xaria Refresh
Draw inspiration from the exceptional skills of 14 talented bag makers worldwide! Explore the sewing machines and fabrics they utilized. May their stunning creations ignite your creativity as much as they have mine.
Tester - Ryan Pollock, California from the USA
YouTube Link - Creative Sister Designs Etsy; Creative Sister Designs IG; Creative Sister Designs FB
Sewing Machine used - Juki DU-1541
Recommended Skill level - Beginner
Cut and Sew - 3 hours
Material used -
Tester - Sam Harris, NSW from Australia
Shop Link - Made by Erillant; Made by Erillant (IG)
Machine used - Domestic/Vintage - Singer 201K
Recommended Skill level - Beginner
Cut and Sew - 90 minutes
Waterproof canvas from Inklings and the Kraken, Sewfisticated Twill from and VibrantVue from Sewfisticatedi supplies, clear vinyl I can't remember. Sewfisive foam premium from Sewfisticated Supplies
Fits: Sauvignon Blanc Wine 750ml
Faux Leather by Fizgig & Fezziks & Sewfisticated Twill & Vibrant Vue from Sewfisticated Supplies. Sewfisive foam premium from Sewfisticated Supplies
Fits: Bottle of Moet & Chandon Champagne 750ml
Sewfisticated Twill & Vibrant Vue from Sewfisticated Supplies, I can't remember where the Clear vinyl is from. Sewfisive foam premium from Sewfisticated Supplies.
Fits: Brymaxx personalised waterbottle - 750ml
Faux Leather from Inking & The Kraken, Sewfisticated Twill & Vibrant Vue from Sewfisticated Supplies, I can't remember where the Clear vinyl is from. Sewfisive foam premium from Sewfisticated Supplies
Fits: 1Ltr Waterbottle from Typo Australia
Tester - Milena Hunt, England
Shop Link - Created by Milena
Sewing Machine used - Domestic Pfaff Select 4.2
Recommended Skill level - Beginner
Cutting/Sewing Time - 3 hours

Fits: Wattle and Slate limited edition flask 750 ml; VitaCoco carton 1 L; Don Simon Smoothie 1L bottle

Tester - Jenn Hoopert-McGinn, Pennsylvania from the USA
Shop Link - Jenn's Homemadeology; IG Jennshomemadeology
Machine used - Vintage domestic Sears Kenmore 158.17550
Recommended Skill level - Beginner
Cut and Sew - About 2 hrs in total

Tester - Megan O'mera, Michigan from the USA
Shop Link - The Comfy Magpie
Sewing Machine used - Babylock Soprano (Domestic)
Recommended Skill level - Beginner
Cut and Sew - Cut: 30-40 minutes Sew: 1-1.5 hours
Material used -
Print canvas from Dream Seams Fabric and More, white wrc, clear PVC.
Fits: Tupperware pink water bottle
"This is the best a clear pattern has ever worked out for me. I love it"
Tester - Karen Tay, Singapore
Shop Link - TK Embroidery
Sewing Machine used - Brother PQ1500SL
Cutting Machine used - Cricut Maker 3
Recommended Skill level - Beginner
Cutting/Sewing Time - 30mins Cut | 45mins Sew
Fabric version
Pikachu Vinyl from ET Stash / SCD Sky Blue Twill with foam stabilizer 3mm.
Fits: Wine bottle
Clear Vinyl from ET | Lining Vibrant Vue with foam stabilizer 3mm.
Fits: Nalgene 1L
Fabric version
Weave vinyl, vibrantvue and twill from Sewfisticated Supplies
Tester - Yin Ying, Malaysia
Shop Link - Sew Muji
Sewing Machine used - Domestic Juki DX7
Recommended Skill level - Intermediate
Cutting/Sewing Time - 3-4 hours
Exterior: PU leather body + cotton drawstring top; Liner: 100% cotton. Sticker foam.
Fits: 750ml Yellow Tail Wine bottle
Tester - Mui Yan, Singapore
Shop Link - Aderry Craft
Machine used - Semi-industrial, Juki TL2200qvp mini
Recommended Skill level - Adventurous Beginner
Cut and Sewing - 2.5 hours
Waterproof Twill, clear vinyl with 600ml waterbottle
Tester - Gladys Tan, Singapore
Shop Link - Chavanthandmade IG, Chavanthandmade FB
Machine used - Semi industrial. Janome HD9
Recommended Skill level - Beginner
Cutting/Sewing Time - Cutting approx 1 hour. Sewing approx 2 hours
Material used -
Tester - Susi Schuegraf, Mexico
Shop Link - Jungle Pearls
Sewing Machine used - Industrial Juki du 1181n and Bernina 790
Recommended Skill level - Beginner
Cut and Sew - 1.25 hours
Material used -
Tied-dye vinyl with VibrantVue and Sewfisticated Twill; Checkerboard from Sewfisticated Supplies.
Tester - Taliah Brell, Australia
Shop Link - Brell Designs
Machine used - Industrial SMA GC0323
Recommended Skill level - Adventurous Beginner
Cut and Sewing - 3 hours
Clear TPU, Vibrant Vue and Decovil Heavy for the base stabilizer.
Fits: 500ml bbox water bottle
Tester - Tina Alanis Carbajal, California from the USA
Shop Link - lilysminime
Machine used - Brother Innovis Essence VM5200 and Projector to cut
Recommended Skill level - Adventurous Beginner
Cut and Sew - few hours
Material used -
Clear TPU and WPC print from Fabric Therapy, Lavender Lux Lite Nylon and hardware from Wonderground Fabrics. SCD self-adhesive foam for base.
Fits: Tumbler fills 20 oz of H2O, no brand labeled
Tester - Binny Scott, Queensland from Australia
Shop Link - Brymaxx Precision
Machine used - Bernina Virtuosa domestic
Recommended Skill level - Beginner
Cut and Sewing - 1 hour
Vinyl - Vinyl World, wpc - Australian Bag Making Supplies
Tester - Leanne Clay, Australia
Shop Link - Sew Over Everything
Machine used - Domestic Bernina Qe570
Recommended Skill level - Adventurous Beginner
Cut and Sew - 1.5 hours
Material used -